The Science Of Therapy

The following is from the book: The Therapy Manifesto by Victor V. Woolf. To purchase a copy or to learn more about Holodynamics go to or click here to visit the Holodynamics bookstore.



1. Therapy is Holodynamic

In physics, there is a web of relationships called dualities, which indicate everything is made of dynamic information fields that are connected to one another. In other words, the world is one, whole dynamic information system or “holodynamic.” Because of its public trust, therapy is concerned with any significant information within the whole dynamic of reality, so therapy is holodynamic.


2. Therapy is Multidimensional

It is a generally accepted scientific framework that there are at least 10 dimensions enfolded into physical reality. Traditionally, at least up until the last few decades, science and therapy have been based upon a four-dimensional model of reality wherein we experience depth, width, height and the passage of time. With the unveiling of multiple dimensions of reality comes new understanding of the multidimensional nature of consciousness and thus a multidimensional approach to therapy.

In a world made up of hyperspacial information spinners, quantum potential fields, holographic dynamics, quantum forces, Frohlech frequencies and parallel worlds, therapy must deal with these various enfolded dimensions because they are known to influence human consciousness. The public trust requires that therapists understand these enfolded dimensions of consciousness and how they influence personal reality and the therapeutic process.


3. The Universe is Conscious

Everything, all matter and all life forms, is made of information networks that are both dynamic and enfolded within multiple dimensions. What this means is that everything is made of dynamic information networks that are intimately interwoven into the fabric of space and time. Everything is conscious and consciousness is multidimensional.

Being a therapist requires that we understand the dynamics of these networks of consciousness. Thus, consciousness itself is a quality of reality, intimately interconnected within the fabric of space and time. Being a therapist requires that we understand the dynamic and universal nature of consciousness and apply this to the therapy experience. Any aspect of consciousness could potentially contain information that could either block or benefit therapeutic movement.


4. Consciousness is Hyperspacial

Another enfolded dimension of reality is its hyperspacial (faster than the speed of light) connection. Matter, that is, every subatomic particle, every atom, molecule and every living system, has a hyperspacial counterpart that gives form to our physical world. Our physical world and our hyperspacial dimension have a one-to-one relationship and cannot be separated. These dimensions are connected to all other dimensions. Information continually exchanges between hyperspace and the physical world. This information is manifest in multiple dimensions, including multiple histories from the past and future.

It was Roger Penrose, the neurological expert who is also one of the world’s great mathematicians and a quantum physicist, who pointed out that, before we think a thought, our counterpart in some hyperspacial, parallel dimension, has already pre-computed our menu of choices regarding that thought. These hyperspacial dimensions bring into the therapy experience the possibility of powerful influences from hyperspacial parallel dimensions and how these influences can be used in the therapy process.


5. Reality is Holographic

A hologram is a three dimensional image imprinted upon a two dimensional page. The holographic principle demonstrates that a complex information system, with multiple dimensions, can project itself upon a less complex, fewer-dimensioned reality.

When scientists apply the holographic principle to black holes, two more dimensions of reality become evident, making it possible to understand the flow of information into and out of black holes. Without this holographic understanding, we would not be able to explain either black holes or many other aspects of reality.

Likewise, human consciousness, with its complex dimensions, can be explained more fully when the holographic principle is applied. The holographic nature of consciousness is essential in the therapy process because all thought forms, including our mental and emotional patterns, are holographic.


6. Holodynes and the Power to Cause

The application of the holographic principle to the dimensions of consciousness reveals the enfolded dimension of holodynes.” Holodynes are holographic images stored within the water media of our microtubules. These multidimensional information systems turn out to be self-organizing and self- perpetuating, and they have developed the power to cause. Holodynes are, in fact, involved in all human behavior because human behavior is caused by information stored within the microtubules. This information is stored holographically as holodynes.

Holodynes are also quantum in nature. They also experience growth. They have stages of development, can communicate and be transformed. Dealing with the dimension of holodynes has proven central to effective therapy processes.


7. Consciousness is Quantum

Another enfolded dimension of consciousness is its quantum nature. Consciousness is interwoven with quantum frequencies, harmonics, potential fields and states of being.

Quantum physics is recognized as the most accurate and comprehensive science yet devised. It is responsible for more than 40 percent of all new inventions of the past few decades, made possible the harnessing of atomic power and helping us reach the moon.

One of the discoveries of quantum physicists is that consciousness is quantum. It is non-linear, hyperspacial and collective in nature. These facts have profound implications for therapy.

From a quantum view, life emerges from a quantum potential field and influences various holodynes via quantum frequencies. Life can be viewed as a natural process of unfolding potential. Life potential is enfolded within the quantum potential field. Since therapy is about living a healthy life, therapy is about the quantum dynamics of unfolding potential. Quantum life potential holds an essential key to personal and collective mental health.” -The Therapy Manifesto by Victor V. Woolf

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We Are Between


Dr. Vernon Woolf

“One of the greatest discoveries of my life was the realization that we live in a universe made of information. When scientists look far enough into subatomic particles they find that nothing is solid. There are no little atoms or particles, down inside reality. At the smallest dimension of things, everything is made of little spinners of information – standing waves of information in motion. To better understand these spinners, we must put on the glasses of holographics. Reality, as we experience it, is a holographic projection in which the form of matter comes from the interaction of our consciousness with hyperspace. In other words, the source of our reality is beyond the limits of time and space. This discovery has powerful implications for you and me.


What we find is that  all matter, all creatures – you and I – everything – is made of spinners of information, and so, everything is constantly in motion. Although almost everything looks to you and me as though it is solid and stable, we cannot deny we live in a dynamic universe. As we explore more deeply into our universe we also discover that it is not only dynamic, it is also multidimensional. In order to explain something as simple as gravity,


we must understand at least ten dimensions of reality. Most of us are only aware of four dimensions of reality – height, width, depth and time. Within those other six (or more) dimensions, we discover that everything is holographic and connected, and everything is conscious.

Woven within hidden dimensions of this conscious universe are the keys to our survival, the solutions to every one of our problems and the power to create a sustainable future. If we fail at anything, it is because we have failed to understand the nature of our own consciousness and the consciousness of nature – of reality and of time.


In it’s most pristine state, consciousness is a magnificent dance. Whether it is high in a mountain meadow or deep in the darkest abyss of the ocean, we are participants in the dance of life in the middle of multidimensional, conscious universe. I want to share both the experience and the physics of this dance…”


“…In a world where everything is connected and everything is driven by potential, any problem is my problem. We are connected – any problem and me. I own it and I also own the potential that drives it. I am that problem and I am the potential solution to that problem. When I remember…” “…one thing I remember is that every problem is caused by its solution.

If the biosphere is being so depleted and polluted that it is losing its balance, I am that imbalance and, once I own it, then I can become the solution to balancing the biosphere. If there is anyone hungry, I am hungry. Only then can I become the solution to world hunger. If there is anyone who remains ignorant, I am the ignorant one. Only then can I become the solution to ignorance. We are all connected like flowers in a mountain meadow. We are part of a collective collaborate consciousness. I own it, and I relish the opportunity to unfold the potential of any set of circumstances that comes up in our field of potential flowers. It is our covenant the covenant of a conscious universe. The only thing required of us is that we choose to be conscious or, in other words, aware of reality…”


“…In this conscious world, reality is multidimensional. Problems in one dimension are only solutions waiting to unfold from another dimension.To understand the multidimensional nature of consciousness, we need to understand some of the new sciences such as quantum physics, information theory and holographics, to mention a few. Quantum physics is the most accurate and comprehensive approach ever devised for understanding the laws of nature. It is responsible for more than 40% of all new inventions; it helped harness the power of the atom, and helped us get to the moon. It can also help us understand the hidden dimensions of consciousness and the mechanisms of human behavior. It is time we began to explore reality from a quantum perspective, where every set of circumstances is driven by potential and problems are challenges created by their solutions. From this view, there are solutions to every problem.


We can look into hyperspace (that reality beyond the speed of light) where we find our counterparts in reality. In my life, one discovery eclipses all others. In hyperspace, we find the multidimensional information sources that hold our reality in place. Whether we acknowledge it or not, we are inseparably connected to hyperspace. We know how the connections take place – through the microtubules of the body. We are quantum in nature and connected to everything. From information theory and vortex sciences, we learn how everything is dynamic, filled with constant change. From holographics we glimpse into the projective nature of everything, from black holes to negative thinking…”


“…Once I chose to focus, I awakened to the hidden depths of consciousness. Since that time I have never been the same. Everything I do has taken on meaning – profound meaning. Every person I meet makes a difference. Nature responds to my presence. The mountain meadow exists in a state of presence and I allowed myself to share in that presence. I became more alive, aware, connected to life. I discovered life everywhere has this sense of presence. This is not euphoria or some artificial high. It does not require drugs or outside influence. This is our natural state of being. It is presence.

Presence is that state of being wherein one is aligned with one’s Full Potential Self. Presence is the essence of consciousness…”


“…Universal consciousness is everywhere – in the tops of the mountain meadow and even underwater.” (V. V. Woolf, 2004) The Dance Of Life (p.2, 7-8)

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Holodynes And Illness


“Illness, disease, mental imbalances, negativity and the violence of war and ‘crazy making’ crimes of inhumanity, can all be transformed. Some demonstrate qualities of therapeutic value and some are essential to survival. Any effective treatment process explores which holodynes are to be maintained and which need to be transformed.

Once we realize that consciousness has uncounted holographically enfolded dimensions, the phenomenon of holodynes becomes clear. Within the microtubules of every living cell are information systems that are holographic in nature. Holodynes are a part of our holographic reality.

While the entire matrix of physical reality appears to be holographic, specific information systems found within the microtubules of every living cell seem to be specifically designed to store information as holodynes. Part of the information comes from your sensory perception process.


As a child you are exposed to information. Take for example the first time you saw an apple. Your eye registers the image and your touch does the same. You might even taste it. Soon you have a memory of an apple. This is stored within your microtubules. From that time on, whenever you think of an apple the vision you bring up of an apple is a holodyne. It can be a red apple or green, yellow or any combination of colors. It can also have taste, texture, and reflect any of your senses.

The reason you can even think apple (or anything else) is because your entire sensory system is holographic in nature. That is, the complex information network that makes up our space-time continuum is reflected through your senses, transformed, compressed and stored in a more simple form (as holodynes) in the water media of your microtubules.”


“The same is true for most diseases. In order to heal yourself from a disease you must first learn to access the dimension of holodynes and the fields in which they are a part, and then transform both the holodynes and the field. What allows you to do this in the dimension of holodynes, is that holodynes are connected to every dimension of reality including the hyperspacial dimensions. Not only is your sensory and environmental information stored in this dimension but you can access all information from this dimension.

‘Holodynes’ literally means ‘whole units of power’. Information is stored in multidimensional forms that have the power to cause. We know that holodynes have the power to self-organize. We know they develop through an implicate order that includes the ability to preserve themselves, send and receive information; develop relationships with other holodynes and cause things to happen. They are causal in the field of consciousness.


Holodynes are also inherited, passing on from generation to generation via the microtubules of the egg and sperm, and are able to ‘imbed themselves’ in the collective consciousness through the frequencies that they emenate. When a holodyne is not fully developed, or is ‘immature’, it can cause imbalance and chaos in a person’s life. Holodynes imbedded in a collective can cause war, ignorance, and every other form of inhuman behavior.”

“From a quantum perspective, reality manifests according to an implicate or built-in order. This order forms the basic laws by which life manifests. When we apply the idea of an implicate order to consciousness, we find a built-in order by which we grow into the well-being of our fullest potential. There is an implicate order to the treatment of disease. Treatment of disease provides an opportunity to explore the basic patterns wherein consciousness emerges, how growth takes place, and how maturity develops step by step through various stages. Within each dimension there is an implicate order.


For example, holodynes causing disease are quantum and follow a similar implicate order to that of the growth of humans. Effective treatment moves beyond the traditional approaches of classification, confinement programs, drug prescriptions, and electro-shock treatments. It explores all dimensions of consciousness, all options, all holodynes, all possibilities for transformation, and the implicate order by which people come into well-being. Effective treatment helps people take their next natural step in the implicate order of their own growth.

Spiral stairs in Saint Istvan Basilika in Budapest

One option is to access holodynes and facilitate transformation through their built-in order. This order will be similar to a person’s own order of growth. That is, they have followed an order of growth in their own life. So they know the order. The macro reflects the micro. That is, what applies to the human also applies to the holodynes that are intricately woven into the human’s consciousness.

You can look at your own stage of development and find out what stage your holodynes are at. It will basically be the same. When you consciously reach a new stage of being, your holodynes will seek to reach a similar state of being. They will look for their own next stage of development. This is real medicine. Any healing effect will produce a context for healing. Unless such a context is woven into each unique individual’s tapestry of wellness, no healing will occur.

David Bohm’s controversial work, Wholeness and the Implicate Order suggests that everything evolves according to a built-in order. While this order can be seen in the mathematics and geometry of all living things, it does not imply determinism. Determinism refers to the way people view reality when they are linear and mechanistic in their thinking. They think that everything is like a big machine and that what happens is determined by the nature of the machine. Choice does not exist in a deterministic world. When we talk about an implicate order, those who are deterministic jump on the band wagon and say, ‘Yes, it must be so. Life is deterministic.’


While the implicate order seems to work as a mechanism for the emergence of different levels of consciousness, and demonstrates a well-ordered orchestration of complex information (including the forming of matter and life in various dimensions); and such an order also applies to human consciousness; it does not imply determinism. The implicate order cannot be separated from the whole dynamics.

The implicate order is nested within a larger framework in which the universe is conscious and choice exists. As Bohm and countless others have established, reality is a tapestry of conscious choice. In order to be maximally effective in the healing process, treatment of the disease would follow the implicate order of healthy growth.

Over three decades of research have already gone into the research for this built-in order.”


“All people go through stages of development. All diseases develop according to their own particular implicate order. Diseases have stages of development. Once you understand these stages you can be much more effective in dealing with the disease.

It’s like raising your children. Once you understand that each child goes through certain stages of development, you can be a much more understanding and effective parent.” -Pages 30-32 of The Wellness Manifesto By Victor V. Woolf

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